Upon This Rock Tabernacle
"A Church in the heart of the community, with the community at heart"
Our Vision:
Upon This Rock Tabernacle is a sanctuary for the lost and found to come and worship the Lord. The Tabernacle is built to remove roadblocks and fences that have prevented man from free worship. While we desire to do things decent and in order, because God is not the author of confusion, we don’t place any demands on God’s people. We introduce Christ into their lives by way of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that proves to be better than any life that they currently have. We desire to reach those persons that no one else wants.
We wish to build a ministry of Kingdom builders by those who God has trusted with problems, misery, drugs, alcohol, despair, abuse and the like. We trust God to send a core of believers that will love, teach and help whosoever will come. We will preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will love as Jesus did. We will minister as Jesus did from the streets. We will lift up His holy name as the name above all others. Our outreach will pour into the community to help the lost recover, to empower the powerless, the lift the weakened.
Our outreach will pour into the community to help the lost recover, to empower the powerless, the lift the weakened. We will minister to single parents, the abused, the abuser, the sick and imprisoned. We will do whatever we can do to the glory of God Almighty. Ministries within the ministry will be formed to speak to the particular needs of men, women, and children. We will partner with local and federal governments to develop programs that will empower our community. We want to minister to single parents; to those that have a spirit of an entrepreneur, and those that have no vision at all of their future.
We want to teach financial planning to the homeowner, and shelter the homeless. We desire to minister to the elderly, sick and shut in. Within this Body of Christ, leaders will come forth and be appointed with individual dreams that will enhance the vision of Apostle Smallwood. We will look for opportunities to serve, to witness, to be available for others. We are looking for work.
Our short-term goal was to reach across this metro area with at least three churches in three years, which has been achieved. Our long-term goal was to become nationally based, and it has come to pass.